Continue Restart 开始课程 RUSH 课程时间: 4h 59min RUSH 课程专为医学专业人士设计,全面介绍 RUSH 方案的核心基本概念,包括心脏、下腔静脉 (IVC)、eFAST、肺、主动脉和深静脉血栓形成 (DVT) 超声检查。了解用于评估休克患者的 RUSH 方案。 of 7 已完成的部分 课程内容 eLIBRARY 书签 参考文献 课程内容 eLIBRARY 书签 参考文献 在有新的课程更新时通知我 RUSH: Introduction Introductory material and disclaimer RUSH: Pretest Assess your current knowledge in this subject area with a pretest RUSH: Lesson 1 Background, normal anatomy, and technique RUSH: Mid-Test Assess your knowledge of the material presented in lesson 1 with a mid-test RUSH: Lesson 2 Technique RUSH: Post-Test Assess your knowledge of the material presented in lesson 1 and lesson 2 with a post-test. Score 80% or higher to receive a certificate of completion.
RUSH: Post-Test Assess your knowledge of the material presented in lesson 1 and lesson 2 with a post-test. Score 80% or higher to receive a certificate of completion.