Continue Restart 开始课程 腋路臂丛神经阻滞 课程时间: 1h 25min 腋路神经阻滞是臂丛神经末梢处的神经丛阻滞,旨在麻醉远端手臂、肘部、腕部、前臂、手部和手指的主要运动和感觉神经。课程参与者将学习腋窝血管和肌皮神经的解剖结构,以及实施腋路神经阻滞的技术。 of 7 已完成的部分 课程内容 eLIBRARY 书签 参考文献 课程内容 eLIBRARY 书签 参考文献 在有新的课程更新时通知我 Axillary Nerve Block: Introduction Introductory material and disclaimer Axillary Nerve Block: Pretest Assess your current knowledge in this subject area with a pretest Axillary Nerve Block: Lesson 1 Background, introduction, and anatomy Axillary Nerve Block: Mid-Test Assess your knowledge of the material presented in lesson 1 with a mid-test Axillary Nerve Block: Lesson 2 Technique Axillary Nerve Block: Post-Test Assess your knowledge of the material presented in lesson 1 and lesson 2 with a post-test. Score 80% or higher to receive a certificate of completion.
Axillary Nerve Block: Mid-Test Assess your knowledge of the material presented in lesson 1 with a mid-test
Axillary Nerve Block: Post-Test Assess your knowledge of the material presented in lesson 1 and lesson 2 with a post-test. Score 80% or higher to receive a certificate of completion.