Continue Restart コースを開始 鎖骨上神経ブロック コース時間: 1h 23min 鎖骨上神経ブロックコースの終了後、コース参加者は鎖骨下動脈と神経幹、肋骨、胸膜を識別し、鎖骨上神経ブロックに使用される針の配置と注射方法について説明できるようになります。 of 7 完了したセクション コースの内容 eLIBRARY ブックマーク 参照文書 コースの内容 eLIBRARY ブックマーク 参照文書 新コースに関する最新情報を受け取る Supraclavicular Nerve Block: Introduction Introductory material and disclaimer Supraclavicular Nerve Block: Pretest Assess your current knowledge in this subject area with a pretest Supraclavicular Nerve Block: Lesson 1 Introduction, background, and anatomy Supraclavicular Nerve Block: Mid-Test Assess your knowledge of the material presented in lesson 1 with a mid-test Supraclavicular Nerve Block: Lesson 2 Technique Supraclavicular Nerve Block: Post-Test Assess your knowledge of the material presented in lesson 1 and lesson 2 with a post-test. Score 80% or higher to receive a certificate of completion.
Supraclavicular Nerve Block: Pretest Assess your current knowledge in this subject area with a pretest
Supraclavicular Nerve Block: Mid-Test Assess your knowledge of the material presented in lesson 1 with a mid-test
Supraclavicular Nerve Block: Post-Test Assess your knowledge of the material presented in lesson 1 and lesson 2 with a post-test. Score 80% or higher to receive a certificate of completion.