Ultrasound-Guided Hip Injections (50:58)

Dr. Daniel G. Malone is a Board Certified Internist and Rheumatologist with a special interest in musculoskeletal ultrasound, which he has been utilizing in his practice for 7 years, and he is on the faculty of several ultrasound schools. Dr. Malone now practices in Beaver Dam, WI at Excel Orthopedics, and in addition to general rheumatology services and evaluation and treatment for osteoporosis, he also offers ultrasound diagnostics, precision ultrasound-guided procedures and new forms of regenerative therapy, including platelet-rich plasma. This webinar focuses on Ultrasound-Guided Injections of the Hip

About the speaker

President, Wisconsin Rheumatology Association
Clinical Associate Professor of Medicine
Rheumatology Medical College of Wisconsin
Madison, Wisconsin

Assisted with the development and review of the following course(s): HandKneeShoulder, and Wrist