Ultrasound-Guided Paravertebral Nerve Blocks (35:28)

Dr. Theresa Bowling will present this webinar which is designed to teach the participants how to perform an ultrasound-guided thoracic paravertebral single shot nerve block and catheter placement. The relevant gross and ultrasound anatomy will be discussed and will include ultrasound video tutorials for needle and catheter placement. Indication and contraindications for performing this block will be discussed in detail. Pertinent literature supporting this block for anesthesia and analgesia will be also be presented. Clinical pearls to help participants perform this block successfully will round out this webinar on thoracic paravertebral blocks.
Webinar Goals and Objectives:
1. Techniques to perform ultrasound-guided thoracic paravertebral nerve blocks.
2. Anatomy, sonoanatomy, indications, contraindications, and literature review for TPVB single shot blocks and catheters
3. Video tutorial of ultrasound imaging of PVB.

About the speaker

Frank H. Netter School of Medicine at Quinnipiac University
President & Founder, SSRA
Integrated Anesthesia Associates Fairfield Division
Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology 
St. Vincent’s Medical Center
Bridgeport, Connecticut

Assisted with the development and review of the following course(s): Axillary Nerve Block, Femoral Nerve Block, Infraclavicular Nerve Block, Interscalene Nerve Block, Paravertebral Nerve Block, Popliteal-Sciatic Nerve BlockSupraclavicular Nerve Block, Opioid Reduction in Anesthesia